Following the Moraga Town Council's decision last week, at its meeting on May 18 the Orinda City Council unanimously agreed to oppose any further exploration of an MOFD merger with Confire.
Prior to the meeting, the council received over 100 resident letters expressing universal opposition to the exploration or consideration of an MOFD dissolution or merger.
The deliberation was relatively brief but definitive, and included the idea of appointing a council member as an MOFD liaison so Orinda would be more involved in MOFD governance - or at least would have early, firsthand knowledge of what decisions MOFD is contemplating. That notion was underscored by a prior Mayor and Councilmember who was involved in the actual formation of MOFD. In a portion of her public comment, she stated:
"Our [MOFD] board is actually taking direction from the president of the firefighters' union for Contra Costa County!? I think we have to be more involved to look at whether the [MOFD] board members are placing needs of constituents above those of the union. One board member apparently had no issue, no problem, no embarrassment, no question that perhaps they had taken an action that was outrageous." - prior Mayor and Councilmember of Orinda
The council also expressed an interest in exploring possible MOFD governance revisions that would not enable the MOFD's five-member board to unilaterally determine a dissolution or merger without Moraga/Orinda council or resident approval.
The MOFD Board meeting is tonight (5/19) at 7pm. The agenda with Zoom dial in information (to watch or to provide public comment during the meeting itself) is available here and public comments received via email before 3pm will be distributed to board members before the meeting. Email with your comments.