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Sad News - Councilwoman Fritzky Resigning Due to Health

[reprinted with author's permission - SMARTMoraga shares these sentiments]


The Town reported late yesterday that Jeanette Fritzky is resigning her position on the town council for health reasons. Jeanette’s letter to the community, with more details, is here.

I consider myself one of Jeanette’s “acquaintances who have become friends” (as she puts it in her letter). We could simply thank her for her always-thoughtful and faithful representation of Moragans during her tenure. The reality, however, is that her no-nonsense-but-kind demeanor, intelligence, honesty, integrity, sense of humor, and being a genuinely good person transcend her qualities and contributions as a councilmember.

I wish her, Bob and the rest of the Fritzky family the best as they battle her illness.


Ed. Note: On 8/22, the town council will discuss the appointment of a new councilmember to serve out Fritzky's term.

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